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Email notifications

By default, all order notifications are sent to the email address used during account registration. If you want to receive order notifications at additional email addresses, you can set this up using the Order Notifications integration.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. From your 🌱kvitly Dashboard navigate to the IntegrationsOrder notifications section and find Email notifications

2. To add an additional email address, click the Add new email button, and the panel with the new email information will appear. Click on it, or on the pencil icon to expand the panel.

3. Fill out the required fields for the new email address.

4. Click on Save to save your updates.

Connecting notifications to order forms

Note: For notifications to work with additional email addresses, you must enable them in the relevant order forms.

In your 🌱kvitly Dashboard navigate to the Settings Forms section and find and select the form where you want to add the notification or create a new form.

1. Switch to the Automations tab and configure notifications as needed. You can enable notifications (click on the corresponding checkboxes) for actions like After order placement or After payment.

2. Save the changes and test your setup.

3. Your setup is now complete!

If you want to add multiple email addresses for receiving order notifications, repeat the steps for each new email. Ensure email addresses are correctly entered to avoid missed notifications.

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