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How to add Google Tag Manager to your website

Follow this step-by-step guide to integrate Google Tag Manager (GTM) with your website and start managing tags effortlessly.

1. First, you need to have a Google Tag Manager account. Go to Google Tag Manager and click on Sign Up.

2. Set up your account: enter an Account Name (usually your business or website name), Container name (e.g., your website URL) and choose Web as a target platform.

3. Accept the Terms of Service Agreement and GTM will offer you code snippets to install on your website.

4. In the body snippet find the id of your container and copy it (see the screenshots).

5. In your 🌱kvitly Dashboard navigate to IntegrationsMarketing services and scroll to Google Tag Manager.

6. In the Identifier field paste the GTM container ID you copied before.

7. Click on Enable and publish your website.

Now that Google Tag Manager (GTM) has been successfully added to your website, you can start creating, adding, and managing tags directly within the GTM workspace. This flexible platform allows you to define what actions on your site are tracked and under what conditions.

To begin, click the Add New Tag button within the GTM workspace. You will be prompted to select a Tag Type from predefined options (e.g., Google Analytics, Ad Conversion Tags) or define a new Custom Tag.

For example, let’s create a Custom HTML Tag. Input or paste the desired custom HTML script.

Assign a Trigger to the tag to specify when it should fire. For this example, select Form Submission as the trigger type. Adjust the trigger settings based on your requirements. We recommend to check these checkboxes:

  • Enable Wait for Tags to ensure all tags load completely before firing the event.
  • Enable Error Checking for reliable data transmission.

Then, define an event condition: e.g., Event = order:{{form_name}}:success (you can pick the event you want in the form setting, Analytics section).

Once configured, click on Save. Name the tag and the associated trigger to stay organized. To activate these changes on your website, click the “Publish” button (located in the top-right corner of the GTM workspace).

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