Knowledge base

How to add Yandex.Metrica to your website?

To integrate Yandex.Metrica with your website, start by creating a counter in the Yandex.Metrica service. Once you have an account, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Yandex.Metrica homepage and sign in to your Yandex account.

2. In the analytics interface, click the Add Counter button.

3. Enter a name for your counter (this can be anything).

4. Input your website’s address, enable features such as Webvisor, Scroll Map, and Form Analytics, and agree to the terms of service.

5. On the setup page that opens after you submit your details, navigate to the CMS and Website Builders tab and copy the numerical counter code provided for integration.

6. In your 🌱kvitly Dashboard navigate to IntegrationsVisits counters and scroll to the Yandex.Metrica extension.

7. Paste the copied code, and click Enable.

Once the integration is enabled and the website is published, you can monitor your website’s visitor statistics directly in your Yandex.Metrica account.

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